Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link


Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link

Icon LinkClass: TransactionResponse

@fuel-ts/account .TransactionResponse

Represents a response for a transaction.

Icon LinkConstructors

Icon Linkconstructor

new TransactionResponse(tx, provider, abis?): TransactionResponse

Constructor for TransactionResponse.

Icon LinkParameters

txstring | TransactionRequest The transaction ID or TransactionRequest.
providerProvider The provider.
abis?JsonAbisFromAllCalls -

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:144 Icon Link

Icon LinkProperties

Icon Linkabis

Optional abis: JsonAbisFromAllCalls

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:136 Icon Link

Icon LinkgasUsed

gasUsed: BN

Gas used on the transaction

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:131 Icon Link

Icon LinkgqlTransaction

Private Optional gqlTransaction: Object

The graphql Transaction with receipts object.

Icon LinkType declaration

status?null | { block: { id: string } ; reason: string ; receipts: { amount?: null | string ; assetId?: null | string ; contractId?: null | string ; data?: null | string ; digest?: null | string ; gas?: null | string ; gasUsed?: null | string ; id?: null | string ; is?: null | string ; len?: null | string ; nonce?: null | string ; param1?: null | string ; param2?: null | string ; pc?: null | string ; ptr?: null | string ; ra?: null | string ; rb?: null | string ; rc?: null | string ; rd?: null | string ; reason?: null | string ; receiptType: GqlReceiptType ; recipient?: null | string ; result?: null | string ; sender?: null | string ; subId?: null | string ; to?: null | string ; toAddress?: null | string ; val?: null | string }[] ; time: string ; totalFee: string ; totalGas: string ; type: "FailureStatus" } | { reason: string ; type: "SqueezedOutStatus" } | { time: string ; type: "SubmittedStatus" } | { block: { id: string } ; programState?: null | { data: string ; returnType: GqlReturnType } ; receipts: { amount?: null | string ; assetId?: null | string ; contractId?: null | string ; data?: null | string ; digest?: null | string ; gas?: null | string ; gasUsed?: null | string ; id?: null | string ; is?: null | string ; len?: null | string ; nonce?: null | string ; param1?: null | string ; param2?: null | string ; pc?: null | string ; ptr?: null | string ; ra?: null | string ; rb?: null | string ; rc?: null | string ; rd?: null | string ; reason?: null | string ; receiptType: GqlReceiptType ; recipient?: null | string ; result?: null | string ; sender?: null | string ; subId?: null | string ; to?: null | string ; toAddress?: null | string ; val?: null | string }[] ; time: string ; totalFee: string ; totalGas: string ; type: "SuccessStatus" }

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packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:133 Icon Link

Icon Linkid

id: string

Transaction ID

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packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:127 Icon Link

Icon Linkprovider

provider: Provider

Current provider

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packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:129 Icon Link

Icon Linkrequest

Private Optional request: TransactionRequest

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packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:134 Icon Link

Icon Linkstatus

Private Optional status: { block: { id: string } ; reason: string ; receipts: { amount?: null | string ; assetId?: null | string ; contractId?: null | string ; data?: null | string ; digest?: null | string ; gas?: null | string ; gasUsed?: null | string ; id?: null | string ; is?: null | string ; len?: null | string ; nonce?: null | string ; param1?: null | string ; param2?: null | string ; pc?: null | string ; ptr?: null | string ; ra?: null | string ; rb?: null | string ; rc?: null | string ; rd?: null | string ; reason?: null | string ; receiptType: GqlReceiptType ; recipient?: null | string ; result?: null | string ; sender?: null | string ; subId?: null | string ; to?: null | string ; toAddress?: null | string ; val?: null | string }[] ; time: string ; totalFee: string ; totalGas: string ; transaction: { inputs?: null | ({ txPointer: string ; type: "InputCoin" } | { txPointer: string ; type: "InputContract" } | { type: "InputMessage" })[] ; outputs: ({ amount: string ; assetId: string ; to: string ; type: "ChangeOutput" } | { amount: string ; assetId: string ; to: string ; type: "CoinOutput" } | { contract: string ; stateRoot: string ; type: "ContractCreated" } | { balanceRoot: string ; inputIndex: string ; stateRoot: string ; type: "ContractOutput" } | { amount: string ; assetId: string ; to: string ; type: "VariableOutput" })[] ; receiptsRoot?: null | string } ; type: "FailureStatus" } | { reason: string ; type: "SqueezedOutStatus" } | { time: string ; type: "SubmittedStatus" } | { block: { id: string } ; programState?: null | { data: string ; returnType: GqlReturnType } ; receipts: { amount?: null | string ; assetId?: null | string ; contractId?: null | string ; data?: null | string ; digest?: null | string ; gas?: null | string ; gasUsed?: null | string ; id?: null | string ; is?: null | string ; len?: null | string ; nonce?: null | string ; param1?: null | string ; param2?: null | string ; pc?: null | string ; ptr?: null | string ; ra?: null | string ; rb?: null | string ; rc?: null | string ; rd?: null | string ; reason?: null | string ; receiptType: GqlReceiptType ; recipient?: null | string ; result?: null | string ; sender?: null | string ; subId?: null | string ; to?: null | string ; toAddress?: null | string ; val?: null | string }[] ; time: string ; totalFee: string ; totalGas: string ; transaction: { inputs?: null | ({ txPointer: string ; type: "InputCoin" } | { txPointer: string ; type: "InputContract" } | { type: "InputMessage" })[] ; outputs: ({ amount: string ; assetId: string ; to: string ; type: "ChangeOutput" } | { amount: string ; assetId: string ; to: string ; type: "CoinOutput" } | { contract: string ; stateRoot: string ; type: "ContractCreated" } | { balanceRoot: string ; inputIndex: string ; stateRoot: string ; type: "ContractOutput" } | { amount: string ; assetId: string ; to: string ; type: "VariableOutput" })[] ; receiptsRoot?: null | string } ; type: "SuccessStatus" }

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packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:135 Icon Link

Icon LinkMethods

Icon LinkapplyMalleableSubscriptionFields

applyMalleableSubscriptionFields<TTransactionType>(transaction): void

Icon LinkType parameters


Icon LinkParameters


Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:170 Icon Link

Icon LinkassembleResult

assembleResult<TTransactionType>(contractsAbiMap?): Promise<TransactionResult<TTransactionType>>

Assembles the result of a transaction by retrieving the transaction summary, decoding logs (if available), and handling transaction failure.

This method can be used to obtain the result of a transaction that has just been submitted or one that has already been processed.


If the transaction status is a failure.

Icon LinkType parameters

TTransactionTypevoidThe type of the transaction.

Icon LinkParameters

contractsAbiMap?AbiMap The map of contract ABIs.

Icon LinkReturns


  • The assembled transaction result.

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:353 Icon Link

Icon LinkdecodeTransaction

decodeTransaction<TTransactionType>(transactionWithReceipts): Transaction<TTransactionType>

Decode the raw payload of the transaction.

Icon LinkType parameters


Icon LinkParameters

transactionWithReceiptsObjectThe transaction with receipts object.
transactionWithReceipts.status?null | { block: { id: string } ; reason: string ; receipts: { amount?: null | string ; assetId?: null | string ; contractId?: null | string ; data?: null | string ; digest?: null | string ; gas?: null | string ; gasUsed?: null | string ; id?: null | string ; is?: null | string ; len?: null | string ; nonce?: null | string ; param1?: null | string ; param2?: null | string ; pc?: null | string ; ptr?: null | string ; ra?: null | string ; rb?: null | string ; rc?: null | string ; rd?: null | string ; reason?: null | string ; receiptType: GqlReceiptType ; recipient?: null | string ; result?: null | string ; sender?: null | string ; subId?: null | string ; to?: null | string ; toAddress?: null | string ; val?: null | string }[] ; time: string ; totalFee: string ; totalGas: string ; type: "FailureStatus" } | { reason: string ; type: "SqueezedOutStatus" } | { time: string ; type: "SubmittedStatus" } | { block: { id: string } ; programState?: null | { data: string ; returnType: GqlReturnType } ; receipts: { amount?: null | string ; assetId?: null | string ; contractId?: null | string ; data?: null | string ; digest?: null | string ; gas?: null | string ; gasUsed?: null | string ; id?: null | string ; is?: null | string ; len?: null | string ; nonce?: null | string ; param1?: null | string ; param2?: null | string ; pc?: null | string ; ptr?: null | string ; ra?: null | string ; rb?: null | string ; rc?: null | string ; rd?: null | string ; reason?: null | string ; receiptType: GqlReceiptType ; recipient?: null | string ; result?: null | string ; sender?: null | string ; subId?: null | string ; to?: null | string ; toAddress?: null | string ; val?: null | string }[] ; time: string ; totalFee: string ; totalGas: string ; type: "SuccessStatus" }-

Icon LinkReturns


The decoded transaction.

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:272 Icon Link

Icon Linkfetch

fetch(): Promise<{ id: string ; rawPayload: string ; status?: null | { block: { id: string } ; reason: string ; receipts: { amount?: null | string ; assetId?: null | string ; contractId?: null | string ; data?: null | string ; digest?: null | string ; gas?: null | string ; gasUsed?: null | string ; id?: null | string ; is?: null | string ; len?: null | string ; nonce?: null | string ; param1?: null | string ; param2?: null | string ; pc?: null | string ; ptr?: null | string ; ra?: null | string ; rb?: null | string ; rc?: null | string ; rd?: null | string ; reason?: null | string ; receiptType: GqlReceiptType ; recipient?: null | string ; result?: null | string ; sender?: null | string ; subId?: null | string ; to?: null | string ; toAddress?: null | string ; val?: null | string }[] ; time: string ; totalFee: string ; totalGas: string ; type: "FailureStatus" } | { reason: string ; type: "SqueezedOutStatus" } | { time: string ; type: "SubmittedStatus" } | { block: { id: string } ; programState?: null | { data: string ; returnType: GqlReturnType } ; receipts: { amount?: null | string ; assetId?: null | string ; contractId?: null | string ; data?: null | string ; digest?: null | string ; gas?: null | string ; gasUsed?: null | string ; id?: null | string ; is?: null | string ; len?: null | string ; nonce?: null | string ; param1?: null | string ; param2?: null | string ; pc?: null | string ; ptr?: null | string ; ra?: null | string ; rb?: null | string ; rc?: null | string ; rd?: null | string ; reason?: null | string ; receiptType: GqlReceiptType ; recipient?: null | string ; result?: null | string ; sender?: null | string ; subId?: null | string ; to?: null | string ; toAddress?: null | string ; val?: null | string }[] ; time: string ; totalFee: string ; totalGas: string ; type: "SuccessStatus" } }>

Fetch the transaction with receipts from the provider.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<{ id: string ; rawPayload: string ; status?: null | { block: { id: string } ; reason: string ; receipts: { amount?: null | string ; assetId?: null | string ; contractId?: null | string ; data?: null | string ; digest?: null | string ; gas?: null | string ; gasUsed?: null | string ; id?: null | string ; is?: null | string ; len?: null | string ; nonce?: null | string ; param1?: null | string ; param2?: null | string ; pc?: null | string ; ptr?: null | string ; ra?: null | string ; rb?: null | string ; rc?: null | string ; rd?: null | string ; reason?: null | string ; receiptType: GqlReceiptType ; recipient?: null | string ; result?: null | string ; sender?: null | string ; subId?: null | string ; to?: null | string ; toAddress?: null | string ; val?: null | string }[] ; time: string ; totalFee: string ; totalGas: string ; type: "FailureStatus" } | { reason: string ; type: "SqueezedOutStatus" } | { time: string ; type: "SubmittedStatus" } | { block: { id: string } ; programState?: null | { data: string ; returnType: GqlReturnType } ; receipts: { amount?: null | string ; assetId?: null | string ; contractId?: null | string ; data?: null | string ; digest?: null | string ; gas?: null | string ; gasUsed?: null | string ; id?: null | string ; is?: null | string ; len?: null | string ; nonce?: null | string ; param1?: null | string ; param2?: null | string ; pc?: null | string ; ptr?: null | string ; ra?: null | string ; rb?: null | string ; rc?: null | string ; rd?: null | string ; reason?: null | string ; receiptType: GqlReceiptType ; recipient?: null | string ; result?: null | string ; sender?: null | string ; subId?: null | string ; to?: null | string ; toAddress?: null | string ; val?: null | string }[] ; time: string ; totalFee: string ; totalGas: string ; type: "SuccessStatus" } }>

Transaction with receipts query result.

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:241 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetReceipts

getReceipts(): TransactionResultReceipt[]

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:224 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetTransaction

getTransaction<TTransactionType>(): Promise<{ bytes: Uint8Array ; tx: Transaction<TTransactionType> }>

Icon LinkType parameters


Icon LinkReturns

Promise<{ bytes: Uint8Array ; tx: Transaction<TTransactionType> }>

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:204 Icon Link

Icon LinkgetTransactionSummary

getTransactionSummary<TTransactionType>(contractsAbiMap?): Promise<TransactionSummary <TTransactionType>>

Retrieves the TransactionSummary. If the gqlTransaction is not set, it will fetch it from the provider

Icon LinkType parameters


Icon LinkParameters

contractsAbiMap?AbiMap The contracts ABI map.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<TransactionSummary <TTransactionType>>

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:286 Icon Link

Icon LinkunsetResourceCache

unsetResourceCache(): void

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:413 Icon Link

Icon Linkwait

wait<TTransactionType>(contractsAbiMap?): Promise<TransactionResult<TTransactionType>>

Waits for transaction to complete and returns the result.

Icon LinkType parameters


Icon LinkParameters

contractsAbiMap?AbiMap The contracts ABI map.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:407 Icon Link

Icon LinkwaitForResult

waitForResult<TTransactionType>(contractsAbiMap?): Promise<TransactionResult<TTransactionType>>

Waits for transaction to complete and returns the result.

Icon LinkType parameters


Icon LinkParameters


Icon LinkReturns


The completed transaction result

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:395 Icon Link

Icon LinkwaitForStatusChange

waitForStatusChange(): Promise<void>

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:316 Icon Link

Icon Linkcreate

create(id, provider, abis?): Promise<TransactionResponse >

Async constructor for TransactionResponse. This method can be used to create an instance of TransactionResponse and wait for the transaction to be fetched from the chain, ensuring that the gqlTransaction property is set.

Icon LinkParameters

idstringThe transaction ID.
providerProvider The provider.
abis?JsonAbisFromAllCalls -

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<TransactionResponse >

Icon LinkDefined in

packages/account/src/providers/transaction-response/transaction-response.ts:160 Icon Link